1. Ensure all users have exited from ACCPAC Plus
2. From the Start Menu (main ACCPAC menu) press F3
3. Select “Check Data Integrity
4. Select “One Start List Item”
5. Select the module you are having issues with
6. ACCPAC will run a Phase 1 integrity check first
7. If the data passes the Phase 1 check you will be prompted to “Fix all errors”
8. Answer “NO” to “Fix all errors”
At the end of the Integrity check ACCPAC will display a message to tell you if errors were found and write a comment to a file in your data folder called XXinterr.YYY where XX is the module abbreviation and YYY is your company data extension (e.g. glinterr.dat). You are able to view this file using Windows Notepad or MSWord. You will see a comment on whether the error is fixable or not. You can then re-run the Data integrity check and fix these errors once you have determined the effect of the error.
Phase 2 errors are normally not critical and will allow the system to operate. Many of these errors can be rectified by the end user following the above procedure.
Phase 1 errors are normally critical and when found are followed with the message "This data contains an error, replace with a backup" You have 2 choices when this occurs:
· You can restore from your last good backup or,
· Send us your data to be repaired
Should you wish to restore from a backup, we recommend you follow the above steps to ensure the data restored is in good condition.