Create manufacturing orders based on standard bills of material.
Create manufacturing orders directly from Advantage sales orders.
Associate jobs with manufacturing orders for detailed cost analysis.
Edit manufacturing orders to create custom job orders.
Allocate special items such as labor, supplies, and tooling to customize manufacturing order.
Attach word processing files to provide unlimited amounts of online documentation.
Attach pictures (all popular formats supported).
Create and link child manufacturing orders to any parent manufacturing order.
Copy previous orders to speed up amending order generation.
Print internal manufacturing order approvals and multi-page production manufacturing orders and travelers.
Analyze standard, projected, and actual job costs with performance variances.
Create detailed manufacturing order pick lists.
Pick partial or complete manufacturing orders.
Complete support for Stock, WIP, and Reserve stock with automatic back-flush.
Back-flush complete or partially completed manufacturing orders.
Automatically adjust raw materials based on actual production yield.
Special handling of non-back-flush type items.
Record scrap resulting from specific manufacturing order processing.
Expedite and close manufacturing orders at any time with automatic cleanup of partially committed material.
Transfer completed items directly to ACCPAC finished goods inventory.