MISys Manufacturing System - Level 3
Add MISys Level 3 to zero-in on your shop floor operations and get detailed production efficiency and cost analyses.
Maintain Manufacturing Tools
Track an unlimited number of Tools you use in the manufacturing process.
Automatically update Tool usage from shop operations.
Track use-based Tool maintenance and replacement.
Track date-based Tool maintenance and replacement.
Replace Tools, adjust Tool inventory, and reset Tool statistics automatically.
Substitute Tools in all Bills of Material and Manufacturing Orders.
Maintain Work Centers
Establish an unlimited number of Work Centers where manufacturing processes can occur.
Schedule and unlimited number of shifts per Work Center.
Track Tools required for any Work Center.
Maintain material, labor, and overhead Resources consumed at any Work Center.
View Bills of Material using any Work Center.
View Manufacturing Orders using any Work Center.
Chart Work Center loading.
Create Bill of Material Routings
Link Work Center operations with Bill of Material details.
Identify Tools required at any routing step.
Automatically update BOM costs with material, labor, and overhead Resources consumed at any Work Center.
Create Bills of Manufacturing
Create detailed Bills of Manufacturing integrating component materials, Resource material, labor, and overhead, with Shop Operations.
Create Detailed Manufacturing Orders
Create new manufacturing orders that inherit the routings identified in a Bill of Materials.
Modify any Manufacturing Order to show special routing steps, component materials, Resource material, labor, and overhead.
Accurately predict order costs and processing times.
Chart Work Center loading for any Manufacturing Order.
Chart Work Center schedule for any Manufacturing Order.
Track Shop Operations
Print Shop Travelers to help guide work through the shop.
Track work as it moves from one Operation to the next.
Automatically move WIP when starting and completing any Operation.
Perform partial Operations with full WIP reconciliation.
Log extra time for any Shop Operation.
Scrap any material required in any Shop Operation.
Analyze Production Efficiency
Track actual material, labor, and overhead consumed on any Manufacturing Order.
Track actual Shop times vs. Work Center standards.
Analyze profitability for any Manufacturing Order.
For more information or to request your FREE TRIAL please contact us at info@altitudeinfo.com or phone (604) 598-8480.