MISys Manufacturing System – More Functionality
The MISys Engineering Department is hard at work designing additional functionality demanded by our ever-expanding market. Some of these include the following products, with more on the way.
MISys Manufacturing System - Bin Tracking
Although the MISys Manufacturing System supports an unlimited number of warehouse locations, special requirements are imposed by manufacturers who store the same inventory item at several physical locations.
For some manufacturers, these physical locations consist of inventory bins; for others, they may be containers, bales, barrels, or bolts. Regardless of their size or shape, they all contain the same item. Yet it is important to know 1) how many bins, containers, bales, barrels, or bolts exist and 2) what quantity of the inventoried item is available in each container. This is the task handled adeptly by the MISys Bin Tracking System.
MISys Manufacturing System - Serial/Lot Tracking
MISys Serial/Lot Tracking is a computer program designed specifically for users of the MISys Manufacturing System who need to track the serial number or lot number of the items they use or build. This capability is particularly important to manufacturers of food products, medical instrumentation, pharmaceuticals, and other specialized products. It is also useful to manufacturers who use containerized raw materials, such as barrels of oil, bolts of cloth, rolls or sheets of material, and who wish to monitor the quantity available in each barrel, bolt, roll, or sheet.
MISys Manufacturing System - Custom Configurator
Manufacturing companies that perform significant make-to-order work will find the MISys Custom Configurator an invaluable addition to the MISys Manufacturing System. The Custom Configurator is rules-based so that only pre-defined configurations can be built. The program guides you through selecting the appropriate options and automatically populates a corresponding manufacturing order.
The MISys Custom Configurator was designed to meet the needs of manufacturers who build specific variations of a product based on a pre-defined set of configuration options.
MISys Manufacturing System - Bar-coding
Tedious and error-prone data entry can be significantly eliminated with the implementation of an effective bar-coding system.
The MISys Bar-coding System is a turn-key solution including the hardware and software required to print and collect bar-coded data in a manufacturing environment.
MISys Bar-coding System is an extra-cost option for the MISys Manufacturing System version 4.2 and above.
The hardware component of the MISys Bar-coding System is a hand-held, battery-powered, portable collection device (PCD) featuring an elastomeric keypad, 2-line LCD display, voice synthesis response, attached bar-code reading wand, and cabling required to dock the PCD with the host computer.
The software component of the MISys Bar-coding System provides for communication between the PCD and the host computer, printing of bar-code labels and reports, and seamless integration with the MISys inventory functions.
The Bar-code System comes pre-programmed for physical inventory and stock transfer applications, but can be re-programmed for virtually any desired application.
MISys Manufacturing System - Web Deployment
Web Deployment is an extra-cost option for the MISys Manufacturing System that provides the opportunity to deploy MISys over a web-based network, reducing maintenance costs and enhancing accessibility.
Activation of this option enables a set of ActiveX controls which echo the windows and forms displayed in a standard desktop deployment. Desktop icons take on a new look, but all windows, forms, and functions work identically.
When MISys is deployed over a web, users access the program and its data using a standard web browser. Users who elect to access MISys with a web browser see the ActiveX controls. Users who elect to access MISys conventionally simultaneously see the standard Windows controls.