Service Manager provides you with an effective means to plan, control, organize, operate, and manage the products and services that your business has to offer.
Major functional areas in Service Manager include...
The Job System is the core component of Service Manager.
Create templates, quotations, jobs and projects. These can contain multi-level work structures with phases and sub phases. There is no limit to how many of these can be setup, and all information is summarized at each level in the structure providing profit analysis, so that a snap shot of the job and it’s profitability can be viewed real-time on screen.
A simple to use Copy function allows you to quickly create new jobs from quotes, copy templates to jobs, or even copy existing jobs to other jobs. If copying a quote to a job, the quote can be set as the budget for the job it is being copied to.
Specify Job Types, Statuses, Priorities, or Descriptions. These can all be tailored to your requirements. Customize your numbering system for documents such as projects, jobs, quotes, sales orders, and templates.
Transactions that can be processed include:

Labor allocation
Inventory issues, receipts
Purchase requisitions and orders
Standard charges
Burden and overhead
Invoices, credit notes, cost only entries
Multiple invoices can be processed on a job. You may preview invoices before posting. Receipted Purchase Orders can be auto supplied to a job at receipted cost allowing you to maintain special buy prices.
Create Maintenance Jobs (standard, conditional and recurring). Apply schedules such as daily, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly. You can even specify a particular day of the week or create your own complex scheduling formula.
Charge rates include base, employee, model and site specific rates (revenue and cost). You can even specify price lists or special discount levels.
A Multi-Post function allows you to filter, select and batch-post large volumes of invoices. These may be edited prior to posting and emailed, faxed or printed.
Notations are time stamped, and can include file attachments such as graphics, documents, drawings, contracts, email and web-links. Notations also include a follow-up flag for something needing attention. On a given date and time, this follow-up will raise it self as an alert through the system monitor function, or via an email to the responsible person. Notations can also contain predefined checklist s and these can be re-used as templates.
Check customer account status. Quickly create a new customer or edit an existing customers detail as required. Associate multiple sites (geographic locations) to the same accounts receivable customer code. This allows billing to be directed to a parent company or head office.
All financial information is maintained with the job and this includes estimate, actual and variance for costs, revenue and quantities.
Maintain and track work-in-progress (includes many recognition options for accurate timing of revenue and cost recognition). Identify percent age complete, and determine out standing revenue/costs.
Service Manager has a facility for you to create your own custom fields. These fields can be text, numerical, yes/no, or can even be based on fields from the validated ACCPAC optional tables.
Up to 10 segments in your G/L Account Structure can be overridden at Phase, Employee and Job Type levels. This provides the facilities for Branch and Divisional accounting as well as other types of segment-based reporting.
Service Centers allow you to view information on jobs, employees, and customers specific to a particular branch.
Service Manager fully integrates to ACCPAC General Ledger , Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Inventory Control, Purchase Orders, Serialized Inventory , eTransact (web store), ACCPAC CRM, and includes internet and mobile solutions.
For more information please contact us at or phone (604) 598-8480.